
How Can You Ensure Network Security If You Don’t Control The Network?

In today’s complex landscape of multi-cloud operations, businesses face significant challenges with managing data exfiltration and countering malicious traffic spanning multiple cloud service providers. The lack of visibility, control, and robust network security in these environments makes them vulnerable to advanced threats. Cybercriminals globally are constantly devising new ways to bypass traditional security protocols, putting sensitive data at risk.

Furthermore, the organizational structure of enterprises can exacerbate these vulnerabilities. Many companies operate with separate cloud teams dedicated to different providers, leading to inefficiencies and increased response times to security threats (MTTR). This separation results in organizational redundancies and complicates the implementation of a unified strategy to effectively protect against and mitigate malicious activities across all cloud platforms. To navigate these challenges, a coordinated and comprehensive approach to multi-cloud security is essential for today’s enterprises.

A sample of multi-cloud network

What Exactly is “Data Exfiltration”?

We’ll delve into the realm of unauthorized data access, where sensitive information is redirected to unapproved third-party locations. This form of data breach can lead to substantial reputational and financial harm for any organization. Understanding the intricacies of how data exfiltration occurs is crucial for safeguarding your company’s valuable assets.

Data exfiltration can unfold in various ways: it might happen through phishing, where corporate data is intercepted by adversaries. Alternatively, malware could infiltrate and spread across your network, compromising additional devices. This malware might remain dormant, evading detection by security systems, only to subversively exfiltrate data or accumulate information over time. Moreover, there are instances where an insider might intentionally transmit sensitive data to a malicious host, or an employee might exploit the organization’s cloud resources for activities like cryptocurrency mining, channeling critical information to places like the Bitcoin blockchain.

But what exactly is a botnet, and why is it important for you to be vigilant about it? Essentially, a botnet is a collection of interconnected devices, often spread across the globe, that a hacker controls. This control is exerted via Command & Control (C&C) software based at a command center. This software enables the hacker to dispatch commands to compromised systems to execute actions like Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks against other entities, pilfer data, distribute spam, or gain unfettered access to the infected device and its network capabilities. Awareness and proactive measures against such threats are key to protecting your organizational infrastructure.

Improving Your Security Posture Through Distributed Threat Enforcement

The ubiquity of internet access in cloud environments presents a significant business risk. If the infrastructure is compromised, traditional IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems) might struggle to detect and mitigate issues such as data exfiltration, crypto-mining, and Tor activities. This is largely due to the inherent lack of visibility and insufficient alerting mechanisms within these systems. To enhance your organization’s security posture, consider integrating distributed threat inspection services. These services complement existing security solutions by adding a crucial layer of protection, helping to safeguard your assets more effectively.

Adopting a repeatable network architecture that includes a common data plane is a straightforward yet powerful strategy. This approach not only secures your network but also sets the stage for distributed threat enforcement to naturally follow. With such a setup, your network can offer enhanced threat visibility across all gateways. This visibility allows for quicker threat identification and enables automatic remediation measures, significantly improving response times and security efficacy.

Implementing this model simplifies enterprise processes, workflows, and security investments. It not only reduces risk but also accelerates the resolution of security incidents by providing actionable context. This streamlined approach to network security not only fortifies your defenses but also enhances operational efficiency, making it easier for your organization to manage and scale its security measures as needed.

 Managing Security in Multi-Cloud Architectures

Cybercriminals employ various stealth techniques, often going undetected for extended periods while conducting data exfiltration or managing botnet operations, with the repercussions becoming apparent only after significant damage has occurred. This challenge is exacerbated in multi-cloud environments where different teams manage different cloud services. This fragmentation often hampers timely detection and necessitates enhanced coordination among teams to fortify security measures effectively.

A proactive security measure to consider is the implementation of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). This system continually monitors your network, searching for known threats as well as unusual or malicious traffic patterns. Upon identifying potential security issues, the IDS promptly triggers alerts. It functions by analyzing known attack signatures and deviations from normal network activities, providing a critical layer of defense against cyber threats.

Additionally, integrating third-party Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) security solutions can further bolster your defensive strategy. This approach requires redirecting network traffic towards the SaaS provider for thorough inspection and analysis, often outside your immediate network. These services typically operate through a default routing system or through agents installed directly on network workloads. It’s also crucial to be aware of shadow IT activities, which can introduce new environments or alter traffic routes, potentially compromising the security infrastructure.

Meet My Solution: ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard

ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard introduces a groundbreaking approach to cloud network security within the Prosimo platform, providing extensive threat visibility across multiple clouds. This multi-cloud native network security solution is adept at identifying and intercepting traffic headed to known malicious destinations, ensuring your network remains secure.

Picture this: integrated threat visibility and control are embedded right into the network data plane by default. This creates a robust, complementary security framework that supports multiple cloud environments seamlessly. The beauty of this system lies in its simplicity and its capability to provide comprehensive protection without complicating your existing security setup.ThreatIQ leverages real-time Netflow data sent to CoPilot for meticulous threat analysis. The system’s default setting enables continuous threat inspection, which occurs at every network transit point. CoPilot scrutinizes all traffic, matching it against a database of known malicious hosts, showcasing how an intelligent data plane can enhance security awareness. On the other hand, ThreatGuard serves as the remediation mechanism, acting on the insights provided by CoPilot. If blocking is activated, these insights are communicated to the Prosimo Controller, which then disseminates firewall policies across all Prosimo gateways in the data path to block the traffic instantly. Additionally, it can alert specific users or distribution lists about potential threats, keeping everyone informed and prepared.

multi-cloud security

Why Are ThreatIQ and ThreatGuard Standouts in Security?

In the realm of network security, it’s quite typical for customers to enhance their setups by adding third-party devices to their data paths. These devices scrutinize the traffic exiting their networks, aiming to catch any anomalies or threats. Prosimo offers a game-changing solution with its transit-based network architecture that is consistent and replicable across all Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). This architecture facilitates seamless network traffic management, establishing a solid foundation for security operations.

On top of this, Prosimo’s ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard introduces an extra layer of security inspection and enforcement. This feature not only enhances the capabilities of third-party security devices but also ensures comprehensive visibility of all traffic exiting the cloud network. By integrating ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard, organizations can achieve a higher level of protection and insight, making it easier to manage and secure their digital environments effectively.

How Exactly Does It Function?

ThreatIQ from Prosimo serves as a dynamic detection mechanism that enhances your security strategy by monitoring network traffic in real-time. This tool acts as a vigilant sentinel over your network, providing an extra layer of protection that goes beyond what next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) offer. By ensuring continuous monitoring as data flows across the network, ThreatIQ adds a robust shield against potential cyber threats, keeping your infrastructure secure.

Moreover, ThreatIQ delivers detailed insights with its geographical visualization and threat analytics capabilities. This feature helps in pinpointing the exact locations of malicious hosts, offering time series analysis, and classifying threats based on their severity. For deeper analysis and record-keeping, it allows users to export threat intelligence data in a structured tabular format, making it easier to understand and analyze the nature of threats.

Prosimo’s ThreatGuard is an optional but highly recommended enhancement that acts on the intelligence gathered by ThreatIQ. This tool gives users the flexibility to initiate proactive responses by alerting specified individuals or groups and automating the remediation process. By blocking traffic to identified threat IPs at every network gateway, ThreatGuard not only speeds up the response times but also minimizes the need for manual intervention, thus embedding a comprehensive security layer across the multi-cloud data plane.

Lastly, ThreatGuard ensures complete isolation of malicious hosts by blocking all incoming and outgoing traffic to them. This is achieved through the automatic application of stringent firewall policies at every gateway within the cloud network, ensuring that no threats slip through the cracks. This automated approach to applying firewall rules drastically enhances network security, maintaining the integrity and safety of your digital environment.

Personal Stories from Customers and Their Impact

When one of our clients began using Prosimo’s ThreatIQ, they were startled to discover malicious communications within their network, specifically with Tor servers. Initially, their security team manually blocked this traffic, but now, with the deployment of ThreatGuard, these interventions are automated, enhancing efficiency and security.

Interestingly, this client was only partially using Prosimo across their cloud infrastructure. If fully implemented, it’s likely that more compromised instances could have been detected, highlighting the potential for broader security coverage.

Other clients have identified issues like bitcoin mining and malicious bot operations, which exploit enterprise resources and compromise data security. With Prosimo’s ThreatIQ and ThreatGuard, we’re empowering businesses with comprehensive cloud control and security, expecting to uncover and mitigate more such threats.


In today’s cloud-centric world, internet access is a fundamental component, making the tasks of maintaining connectivity, ensuring visibility, and managing threat remediation increasingly complex for security teams. Even with advanced tools like Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs), third-party solutions, and automation technologies, there’s a continuous need for innovative methods to protect critical business workloads effectively. These solutions must not only secure operations without hindering business agility but also facilitate quick and comprehensive remediation of threats across a sprawling multi-cloud environment.

Prosimo’s ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard represents a breakthrough in network security by optimizing the use of the cloud’s data plane to enhance overall security postures. This powerful tool enhances existing security frameworks by providing deeper visibility at the network layer and reducing reliance on traditional perimeter-based threat detection. It’s designed to remain effective despite local changes that might otherwise allow internet traffic to bypass usual security measures.

The capabilities of ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard extend to supporting organizational growth and agility, ensuring that security measures evolve in step with business expansion. It offers a consistent approach to inspecting traffic across multiple clouds, independent of local NGFW installations, and facilitates an automated, multi-cloud-native strategy for addressing threats effectively.

Discover the full potential of managing your multi-cloud environment with Prosimo. Our advanced solutions offer unparalleled security, visibility, and networking capabilities. Schedule a demo today to see why hundreds of enterprises rely on Prosimo to navigate complex cloud networking challenges—from achieving enterprise-class visibility and resolving IP overlaps to implementing high-performance encryption and enhancing firewall functionality across multiple cloud platforms. Let Prosimo transform how you secure and manage your cloud infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does Prosimo ensure network security in environments it does not control?

A: Prosimo’s ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard offers a sophisticated security architecture that leverages real-time threat detection and automated responses. By embedding security directly within the data plane across multiple clouds, Prosimo can enforce security policies universally, irrespective of the underlying network infrastructure. This capability ensures consistent protection even in complex multi-cloud environments.

Q: What is the benefit of integrating ThreatIQ with existing security systems?
A: Integrating ThreatIQ with existing security systems enhances overall network security by providing deep visibility into network activities and potential threats. This integration helps in identifying and mitigating threats before they can cause harm, complementing traditional security measures by adding a layer of intelligence that spans across all cloud environments.

Q: How does ThreatGuard contribute to business agility?
A: ThreatGuard supports business agility by ensuring that security protocols do not hinder operational flexibility. It allows for the rapid scaling of cloud resources while maintaining strict security guardrails. This capability ensures that businesses can grow and adapt quickly without compromising on their security posture.

Q: Can ThreatIQ identify threats that bypass perimeter defenses?
A: Yes, ThreatIQ is specifically designed to detect threats that may bypass traditional perimeter defenses by analyzing traffic directly within the cloud data planes. This allows for a more granular inspection of both ingress and egress traffic, ensuring that even the most subtle anomalies are detected and addressed.

Q: What makes Prosimo’s approach to multi-cloud traffic inspection unique?
A: Prosimo’s approach is unique because it provides a consistent, multi-cloud traffic inspection method that operates independently of local Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs). This method ensures uniform security measures across all cloud platforms, enhancing the ability to manage and remediate threats in a timely and effective manner, irrespective of the cloud environment.