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Cloud Cost Avoidance

Transparent Costs, Accountable Spending, and Optimized Infrastructure 



Cost Optimized

Prosimo’s elastic and flexible architecture achieves cost efficiency in cloud networking through strategic deployment models [Spokeless, Compute resources in Spokes, PrivateLink] tailored to varying endpoints, VPC/VNET designs, traffic patterns, and throughput requirements.

Cost Avoidance

Prosimo’s usage-oriented spend model employs a transparent chargeback system, accurately reflecting data egress and infrastructure resource utilization across various business units and teams. 

By leveraging this model, infrastructure teams efficiently allocate resources based on data transfer and bandwidth utilization, curbing overprovisioning. With an estimated 10% wastage reduction, customers reclaim unused resources, resulting in direct cost savings.

Cost chargeback by app-teams / by business units

Cloud teams can implement customized chargeback models, allocating costs based on factors such as applications, cloud accounts, or shared services like firewalls.

Cost Control For Multi-Cloud Networking

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Unlock cost control for multi-cloud networking with Prosimo. Gain visibility, implement chargeback models, optimize resource utilization, and identify cost-effective traffic paths.

“Whenever you deploy a system in the cloud that (a) exchanges or replicates data between cloud availability zones, regions or across VPCs; (b) routes data from inside the cloud to an outside location; or (c) writes to a database or storage server outside your cloud, you may potentially incur data egress charges."

From Gartner Research: “Tame Data Egress Charges in the Public Cloud”

See it for yourself

Prosimo provides three components required to deliver

One Enterprise Cloud Network

Move fast

Networking speed of operations that meets business demand.

Be smart

Visibility and AI Intelligence for optimal business decisions.

Take control

Govern access, infrastructure, and overall cost impact.